Sometimes ideas just pop into my head, but I can not realize them due to time issues. I've always loved junk art, vintage and eco-conscious creations. So here are 3 ideas--I hope you find them use-full.
The ideas come from rummaging around in the recycling!
Plastic and paper shapes can be turned into pendants and jewelery. For instance, that little yogurt box can have the bottom neatly cut out to make a great round pendant.
But some more skilled craftsmen have gone further in converting plastic and paper to decoration. Gulnur Ozdaglar has created these marvelous pieces!
I also found a variety of interesting cardboard and plastic boxes. With the right skills they can be decoupaged, infused with dyes, covered in mosaic, or-- if you got what it takes- cut and carved.
The cardboard ones can also be covered in tissue paper and used to give gifts, keep jewelry, or ship items if you sell them on e-bay or etsy.
The cardboard ones can also be covered in tissue paper and used to give gifts, keep jewelry, or ship items if you sell them on e-bay or etsy.
Family Fun- displays this one!
For cheaper scrapbooking or beautiful decoupage! Try some old cards. My mom keeps lots out of sentimental value and sometimes because they are really pretty. What a better way to utilize the cards then to cut out the beautiful shapes or words and glue them to beautiful photo-pages or boxes. Or some of the cards can even be used as background papers.